
Dr. Candice Matthews
January 8, 2024 Featured

Pay-What-It-Takes Philanthropy: Shifting to Sustainable Impact

In the ever-evolving landscape of philanthropy, a paradigm shift known as “Pay-What-It-Takes” is gaining traction. This innovative approach challenges traditional funding models, aiming to provide nonprofits with the resources they genuinely need to create sustainable impact. This article delves into the concept of Pay-What-It-Takes philanthropy, exploring its principles, benefits, and transformative potential for charitable giving. […]

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The Transformative Benefits of Involvement in Philanthropic Projects by Dr Candice Matthews
June 13, 2024

The Transformative Benefits of Involvement in Philanthropic Projects

Philanthropy, derived from the Greek words “philos” (loving) and “anthropos” (human), embodies the love for humanity. Engaging in philanthropic projects goes beyond financial contributions, offering benefits that impact individuals, organizations, and society. From fostering personal growth and professional development to enhancing social cohesion and driving systemic change, the rewards of participating in charitable activities are […]

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Expanding the Horizons: Building a Bigger Tent for Effective Philanthropy
May 22, 2024

Expanding the Horizons: Building a Bigger Tent for Effective Philanthropy

In the landscape of philanthropy, the concept of a “bigger tent” is gaining traction. It encapsulates the idea of inclusivity, diversity, and collaboration within charitable giving. As the world faces increasingly complex challenges, from climate change to social inequality, the need for effective philanthropy has never been greater. However, traditional approaches to giving often must […]

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Building a Bigger Tent for Effective Philanthropy
April 2, 2024

Building a Bigger Tent for Effective Philanthropy

In an era marked by rapid technological advancements and shifting social dynamics, the landscape of philanthropy is transforming. Traditional boundaries are expanding, creating a more inclusive and diverse space for charitable activities. This evolution reflects a broader understanding of what it means to contribute to society’s well-being, recognizing that effective philanthropy requires a collective effort […]

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The Vital Role of Early-Innovation Funders
March 2, 2024

The Vital Role of Early-Innovation Funders

In the rapidly evolving landscape of technology and entrepreneurship, the role of early-innovation funders has become increasingly critical. These pioneering investors not only provide the capital necessary to transform novel ideas into tangible products and services but also play a significant role in shaping the future of industries and economies. This article delves into the […]

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Expanding the Horizons: Building a Bigger Tent for Effective Philanthropy
February 5, 2024

Scaling Impact: Five Programmatic Lessons for Sustainable Growth

As organizations strive to address pressing societal challenges, the concept of scaling impact has gained prominence in the realm of social programs. Scaling impact involves expanding the reach and effectiveness of initiatives to create broader and more sustainable change. This article unveils five programmatic lessons that organizations can draw upon to scale their impact successfully […]

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December 12, 2023

Unleashing Potential: Harnessing the Power of Evidence to Drive Informed Decisions

In a world of information, distinguishing between mere conjecture and substantiated facts is crucial. Whether in scientific research, policymaking, or everyday decision-making, the reliance on evidence forms the bedrock of informed choices. This article delves into the significance of evidence and explores how harnessing its power can lead to more effective, informed, and impactful outcomes […]

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November 21, 2023

Investing in Wellness: The Revolutionary Impact of Community-Centric Healthcare

In the dynamic realm of healthcare, a new narrative is emerging—one that places communities not just as recipients but as active architects of their health destiny. The concept of community-centric healthcare is reshaping traditional paradigms and pointing toward a future where empowered communities lead the charge for their well-being. As investors increasingly recognize the potential […]

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Dr. Candice Matthews
October 6, 2023

Investing in Networks Grows Impact

In today’s interconnected world, the power of networks cannot be overstated. Whether it’s social networks, professional networks, or digital networks, they play a pivotal role in shaping our lives and driving progress. And just as individuals and businesses invest in various assets to grow their wealth, investing in networks can significantly impact not only financial […]

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August 31, 2023

Compassionate Careers: Making a Living by Making a Difference

In a world marked by rapid change and interconnectedness, the desire to make a meaningful impact on society has grown stronger among individuals of all ages. As people seek more than just financial success, a new trend emphasizes the importance of compassionate careers. These careers offer financial stability and provide a sense of purpose and […]

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