Top Resources For a Foster Parent

Dr. Candice Matthews

November 13, 2022

Several organizations and websites exist that can help you prepare for your new role as a foster parent. The National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) has various resources and information about foster care. There are also blogs and workbooks that foster parents can use to prepare for their new role. There is even information for those not interested in foster care but would like to learn more about the process.

Center for Adoption Support and Education

The Center for Adoption Support and Education is one of the nation’s leading adoption support organizations. Its website contains helpful information, including fact sheets and webinars on adoption. It also offers free downloadable guides on topics like adjusting to a new environment, dealing with difficult behaviors, and navigating the school system.

The National Foster Parent Association is another helpful resource. It offers online support, foster parent helpline services, and FosterClub alumni, a network of foster parents and youth. It also has resources for young adults aged out of foster care. The National Foster Care Resource Center provides training and technical assistance to foster and adoptive parents and foster youth and families.


The National Foster Parent Association (NFPA) is a nonprofit organization that strives to improve the well-being and safety of children in care. They offer several resources to help foster parents and children in care. These resources include Rise, a book written by parents who have been through the child welfare system, and Social Media Tips for Foster Parents and Caregivers, a three-page fact sheet containing questions and answers for foster parents.

For information on becoming a foster parent, the NFPA offers free training that requires no payment. The organization also has a foster parent directory and foster care links catalog, which features helpful books and training options for foster parents. In addition, the site lists foundations that support youth in foster care.

Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)

CPIR provides free information and resources to parents and caregivers. These resources include articles, webinars, and stand-alone pages. They cover topics ranging from mental health to early learning. In addition, CPIR provides information in multiple languages. Interested in learning more about CPIR?

CPIR provides resources and training for parent centers across the country. The organization is user-centered, involving the perspectives of parent center staff and other experts in the field. Its products and services are aimed at improving outcomes for students with disabilities. The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) funds the organization.

Center for Parent Information and Resources (NFPA)

The Center for Parent Information and Resources (NFPA), an online resource for foster parents, has a wealth of information. Its website includes a searchable library of fact sheets on various topics. In addition, it includes links to organizations dealing with a wide range of special needs and illnesses.

Various agencies provide training for foster parents. Those interested in fostering children can attend a 30-hour training called MAPP. This program will help them identify their strengths and develop special skills to meet the unique needs of foster children. During the training, foster parents will learn to work with birth parents, help children adjust to their temporary home, and identify support services. In addition, foster parents must be in good health to care for a child and submit appropriate medical clearances.